Child Safety News...

Can all parents please remember that all students must have parent supervision before 8:30am and after 3:30pm.
Teachers are on duty from 8:30am to 8:45am in the morning and from 3:15pm to 3:30pm in the afternoon. If your child requires care outside of these times, before and after school care is available through Camp Australia. For more information, please go to their website at
What to do when your child is absent or late to school.
If your child is absent you must ring the office before 9am on the day of the absence. By law, school’s must follow up student absence as soon as possible to ensure the physical location of each student is known.
Late arrival
If your child is late or has an appointment and will not be at school until later in the day, parents must ring the office before 9am. Children who are late, must be signed in at the office by a parent. Please remember that a late arrival disprupts the class learning time and this term there has seen a big increase in late arrivals, can parents please ensure children arrive to school on time, if car parking is an issue, children can be dropped off at the back of the oval also.
School Speed Limit
Please remember that the speed limit along Martin Street is 40 KMH and we urge parents to please stick to the speed limit.