Writing Competition 



The Stratford Town Crier in association with the Stratford Poets and Writers Network is pleased to offer a short story writing competition for 2024. 

You are invited to submit an original short story (500 WORDS OR LESS) that you would be happy to share with your local community if selected for publication in the Town Crier.


Entries close 7 October 2024 and winners will be announced 15 November 2024. If your work fulfils the Conditions of Entry (below) then you will be a candidate to win a cash prize of:

 $100 for ages 5-12, $200 for ages 13-18 and $500 for the Open category.

These prizes will be awarded to entries judged the best by the Stratford Poets and Writers Network. All winners will be notified and acknowledged in the Town Crier.

 A few selected stories will be published in the Town Crier and it is anticipated that an anthology of all submitted stories will be published in 2025. 

Although only one category may be entered, writers are welcome to submit above their age group. For example, a nine year old may enter at any level category and a sixteen year old may enter the open category.

Age category is based on your age on the 7 October 2024. 

Any questions please contact stevephall@bigpond.com 




 • Stories need to be appropriate for a ‘general’ audience (as judged by writing sub-committee). • Entrants acknowledge that their work is original and their own work. 

• Entrants acknowledge that their work is fictional and not related to actual persons or events.

 • A maximum of 500 words with no minimum word limit. (Title is not included in the word count).

 • All stories need to have an ending and not, ‘to be continued’.

 • All entries to be emailed to towncrier@gmail.com subject marked ‘Writing Competition’. 


 • Please do not send illustrated work.

 • Please use Times Roman printed font, 12pt, black.

• Single line spaced with new paragraphs indented. 

• Please number all pages on the bottom right corner. 

• Please place the title, writer’s name, word count and entry level at the top middle of the front page. E.g. ‘Wet as a Puddle’ by John Smith, 287 words, (age 5-12). 

We look forward to reading some awesome stories. Good luck and have fun!! ☺