Wellbeing & Thrive

Leadership Begins Here

The PBL Focus for the Week - Be Prepared

The Leader in Me Focus for the Week - Begin with the End in Mind


Staying calm and being organised in the morning will help you and your child feel positive about the day ahead. It will also help you reduce stress, which is good for everyone’s wellbeing.

One of the best ways to stay calm and get organised is to have a morning routine for school. A routine will help your child know what’s happening and remember what they need to do.


Create an Evening & Morning routine - 


It can be difficult for parents to let go but when you release the responsibility to your children it enables them to take ownership of their own routines. Children are much more capable than we give them credit for, trust them and build them up for success.

  • checking what is needed for the next day
  • packing school bags the night before
  • signing school notes
  • laying out uniforms
  • making lunches

If you know there are things that might cause conflict in the morning, it can really help to deal with these the night before. For example, you might know that your child wants to wear sneakers to school rather than school shoes. You and your child might be able to come up with a solution together if you talk about the issue the night before.


Yesterday some of our seniors went to a SPARK AI day at O.L.P.S. (Our Lady Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School). There, they learned about the artificial intelligence of robots and how they are made to adapt and work. They met many other students from different schools and they all decided to go meet new people and work with them. It was amazing learning about how robots are now adapting to what is happening around them and that robots are also starting to learn just like us humans! 


At the end of the day around 2:20pm everyone started working on a creative machine of their choice and they got to create their own imaginative robots. They mentioned what the robots can do and how the robots can help the environment. These ideas will also be shared all around Australia as a competition of whose environmentally friendly AI is the best and has the biggest impact. 


After 2:30pm our parents started walking in to see what we've done and we showed them our designs, what we've learnt and the new advanced ways of using technology! SPARK AI was out of this Cyberverse! We all really enjoyed it and hope to come back soon in 2025!


by Eason on behalf of the participants!


Have a safe and happy weekend

Melissa Overton   

Wellbeing Coordinator