Engaging in our Faith 


 Needing some help with the hardest job in the world?

Family Wellbeing link:-Parenting Programs - CatholicCare (catholiccaredbb.org.au)


Other Helpful Links.

Grief Line Counselling service for people suffering grief(03) 9935 7400 griefline.org.au

Head Space Support with mental health, drug and alcohol issues1800 650 890 headspace.org.au

Kids Helpline  Counselling for young people 5-25 years1800 55 1800  kidshelpline.com.au

Pray as you go - Daily Meditation (pray-as-you-go.org) - a prayer app provided by the Irish Jesuits which only takes a couple of minutes. It also has great little prayers for the children to listen to as well.

Save the date for our 2023 Family Vinnies School Sleepout - Friday June 14th 6-9 pm at school

 SPAR - Stop Pray And Reflect 

SPAR will bea time for parents to stop and breathe with Mrs Gray, our Parent Engagement officer. We will practice ways to pray with your children, discuss relevant parent issues and share what is bothering us or giving us joy. 

SPAR will run on the last Tuesday of every month and our first theme for June will be Gratitude. All welcome! You do not have to be Catholic to attend. Just come as you are.

Details Below:

Date: Tuesday, May 28

Time: 1:45pm before assembly at 2.15 pm

Location: Prayer Room at Holy Family Catholic Primary School


This Sunday, we will celebrate the feast of Pentecost. It's the birthday of the Church! 


During Mass, we will hear how Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to the disciples. The disciples must have felt surprised to experience the mysterious gust of wind in the room that day. We believe that it was the Holy Spirit and it brought them the gifts of joy, love, patience, kindness, understanding, reverence and courage.  With these gifts, the disciples were able to go out and spread Jesus' message. The Holy Spirit helps us to follow the right path by giving us God's goodness. 


Jesus said, "Let your goodness shine out like a light in the darkness, so that through you, the love of our heavenly father will touch the lives of others." (Matthew 5:16)


Liana Stella