Principal’s Message

Mrs Claire Ryan

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 3's newsletter.


We have had a busy but productive start to the term, with many opportunities for families to connect with their children in our learning community. I have included several video packages highlighting these community engagement opportunities throughout the newsletter. Thank you to every person who has taken the time in their busy schedules to attend any or all of our scheduled events. Your presence and support demonstrate your ongoing commitment to your child's education.


We have scheduled a Working Bee at Sacred Heart School for Sunday, 26th May, at 8:30am. Your presence and contribution to this event will significantly enhance our school environment. We would love to see as many families as possible come to the school to complete a list of jobs around the premises. Remember, many hands make light work, and your involvement will make a real difference!


Our vision of literate and numerate students for a hope-filled future is being realised, and we are incredibly proud of our work and how our families work with us to achieve this goal. To enhance this work, we welcome Mrs Lily Payne and Miss Alice Dorrington to our staff. Mrs Payne works four days a week (Mon-Thurs) in the 3-6 classroom, supporting the learning needs of the students in this learning space. Miss Dorrington works three days a week (Mon, Tues & Fri) across various roles, including Librarian, Educational Assistant, IT support person and office administration support person when required. Please join me in welcoming these wonderful ladies to our school community. I am confident they will be a positive asset to our Catholic Professional Learning Community here at Sacred Heart School.


I pass on my sincere condolences to the loved ones of Errol Darley, who passed away after a battle with Motor Neurone Disease. Errol was the loving husband of Mrs Jenny Darley, who worked at our school for many years. Please keep the Darley family and Miss Langfield in your thoughts and prayers during this most challenging time as they grieve such a significant loss.


Wishing everyone a productive and rewarding Week 3!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.


Warm regards,


Claire Ryan
