Kildare Campus Update

Kildare Campus has been abuzz with fresh new activity over the past few weeks since the opening of our Stage 2 buildings and all specialist classes now being conducted onsite. 

Our students and staff are loving the new facilities for foods, science, technology and the arts. Our beautiful new canteen also continues to be a popular destination for our students and we would like to remind parents that debit card and cash are the only payment methods available (strictly no phones). Lunch orders may also be made via the Flexischools online ordering system. 


Lunchtime activities continue to be a hit with our students and as you can see from our fortnightly timetable below, there really is something on offer for everyone. 



Over the past week or so, our Learning Mentors have been making phone calls home to families to discuss the progress and learning of students, and to strengthen and build on connections. 

Assessment tasks are in full swing at the moment, so please remember to check your child's Compass to discuss their learning and how to best manage their time.


We introduced our Shuttle Bus user pays system this week and overall the transition has been a smooth one. We sincerely thank the families of our Kildare Campus shuttle bus travellers for their support in this space.


We also have an exciting update to share on our fish for the new aquarium at Kildare Campus. The North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) has generously donated 30 native fish to our aquarium (10 each of the Murray-Darling rainbowfish, Southern pygmy perch and Southern purple-spotted gudgeon) to support our studies around native endangered fish in our area.


The tiny fish were introduced to their new home last week and will be fully grown within a year. The purple spotted gudgeon have a particularly interesting story as they were thought to be extinct for decades, but through conservation efforts and breeding programs they are now thriving.

For more information on each species follow this link:

Or if you would like to learn more about conservation efforts in our area check, you will find more information here:




Jarrod O'Brien

Kildare Campus Director