Principal's Report 

As we head toward the end of semester, our junior students are in the thick of completing tests and assessment tasks, while our senior students are busy undertaking SACs and revising and preparing for exams. Students can easily be distracted by these tasks and the transition into new subjects for Semester 2. This means at times they need to be reminded of behavioural expectations and we all need to work in partnership in this space. Our teachers are committed to knowing and loving all students, and at times with teenagers that translates to correcting, redirecting or implementing various consequences. This is not unlike family rules and protocols. We all need to remind students to be respectful and kind at all times.


As you will see in the following pages, our students are experiencing various degrees of success in and out of class, including across sport, the arts and cultural pursuits. It brings our College community great delight celebrating these achievements, and above all, watching our students participate in a wide variety of activities that bring them joy and fulfilment.


Next week is Reconciliation Week and we are all called, now more than ever, to walk with and in support of our Indigenous brothers and sisters. We are currently exploring ways to improve our cultural awareness and engage more thoughtfully with Yorta Yorta Nations and local elders. More recently we were a part of the KEM First Nations Immersion program which you can read more about here


More exciting programs will be coming our way and we look forward to sharing with you in the weeks and months ahead.


God Bless.


Anne Marie Cairns
