Sustainability in Action

LAUDATO SI WEEK was celebrated around the world during the last week. Laudato Si is a letter written by Pope Francis and released in 2015. The letter to all people, encourages everyone to “care for our common home” by living a more sustainable lifestyle. We are encouraged to conserve the world’s resources, and to stop using fossil fuels and gases that are harmful to our planet. Two of the action goals of Laudato Si are responding to “The Cry of the Earth” and “The Cry of the Poor”
At John Paul II, our sustainability program aims to educate our students about caring for our planet, our environment, our common home. We also endeavour to raise awareness about Climate change and encourage our community to take action by living more sustainably.
OUR GARLIC that we have been planting in recent weeks is growing well in our school gardens. Grade 4, 5/6 and Prep students planted the garlic cloves straight into the ground and also in pots. We are looking forward to harvesting our garlic later in Term 4.
Last week we started a new class cooking program at John Paul II. Each week Mrs Henwood from the Little Dove Cafe, will be taking a small group of students for a cooking activity. Where possible, we will be using fresh produce from our garden. Last week a group from Grade 3 students made delicious focaccia bread decorated with different veggies.
Luch Brighella
Sustainability Teacher
Parent/Grandparent Volunteers Needed
We are looking for parents/grandparents who are interested in gardening to help with projects at our school. If you are interested, are available on Thursdays (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) please let our school office know or email me (
Donations of the following items are needed:
- Pots (all sizes) plastic, clay, ceramic
- Strawberry plants/runners
- Raspberry canes
- Bunnings blue/green plastic pools (no leaks or damage)
Please drop any donated items to the school office.