Unit Satisfactory Completion

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The following policy has been developed according to the most recent VCE Administrative Handbook guidelines.
For satisfactory completion of a VPC unit, students must demonstrate their achievement of the set of outcomes as specified in the study design. The decision about the satisfactory completion of outcomes is based on the teacher’s judgment of the student’s overall performance on a combination of set work and assessment tasks related to the outcomes.
Students should be provided with multiple opportunities across the learning program to develop and demonstrate the key knowledge and key skills required for the outcomes of the unit.
This policy is limited to students directly enrolled in the Victorian Pathways Certificate.
Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC): is an accredited foundation secondary qualification under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) and aligned to Level 1 in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Student Work: any work demonstrated by a student that is observed or produced by the
assessing teacher and is deemed to meet the requirements of the task and or the outcome.
School staff must provide students with multiple opportunities across the learning program to learn and apply the key knowledge and key skills as outlined within the Study Design.
Decisions regarding a student’s satisfactory completion of an outcome are based on the teacher’s judgment of the student’s overall performance, combining classwork, observations and formal and informal assessments related to the outcomes.
The student will receive an S (satisfactory) for a unit if the teacher determines that the student has:
- Produced work that demonstrates achievement of the outcomes
- Submitted work that is their own.
The student will receive an N (not satisfactory) for the unit when one or more of the following occurs:
- The work does not demonstrate the achievement of the outcomes.
- The work cannot be authenticated, through lack of attendance.
- There has been a substantial breach of the VCAA’s rules and the school’s rules and procedures.
If, in the judgment of the teacher, work submitted by a student does not meet the required standard for satisfactory completion, the teacher may consider other work relating to outcomes that has been undertaken and submitted by the student for the unit.
- This work may include class work, homework, additional tasks or discussions with the student that demonstrate their achievement of the outcome.
- The school may decide to delay the decision about satisfactory completion to allow a student to complete or submit further work.
- Multiple opportunities and modes of assessment are encouraged to support students to meet the requirements of an outcome as outlined in the Unit’s Study Design.
This policy will be communicated to school staff working with students enrolled in the VPC. School staff will communicate directly with students enrolled in the VPC, as to the requirements of this policy using easy-to-understand language and examples where appropriate.
This policy will be reviewed at the completion of each academic year, while the VPC is being implemented at the school.