Authentication of Student Work

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The following policy has been developed according to the most recent VCE Administrative Handbook guidelines.
The Principal is responsible for the administration of the VCAA’s rules and instructions in their school. One of these rules is that students must ensure that all work submitted for assessment is their own.
At Jackson School, teachers work directly with students and school staff to ensure students’ work demonstrates their understanding of the task and is their own.
This policy is limited to students directly enrolled in the Victorian Pathways Certificate.
Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC): is an accredited foundation secondary qualification under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) and aligned to Level 1 in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Student Work: any work demonstrated by a student that is observed or produced by the
assessing teacher and is deemed to meet the requirements of the task and or the outcome.
School staff must ensure that all student work used for assessment is the work of the student.
Acceptable levels of assistance include:
- School staff may scribe students’ ideas during discussions as evidence of understanding.
- The incorporation of ideas or material derived from other sources (discussions, viewed information, class notes etc.)
Unacceptable forms of assistance include:
- Use of, or copying of, another person’s work or other resources without acknowledgment, (this includes AI-generated texts.).
In considering if a student’s work is their own, school staff should consider if the work:
- Is inconsistent with the teacher’s knowledge of the student’s ability
- Contains unacknowledged material
- Has not been sighted and monitored by the teacher during its development.
School staff and students are encouraged to refer to a member of the leadership team for advice and practical support in the verification and authentication of student work.
This policy will be communicated to school staff working with students enrolled in the VPC. School staff will communicate directly with students enrolled in the VPC, as to the requirements of this policy using easy to understand language and examples where appropriate.
This policy will be reviewed at the completion of each academic year, while the VPC is being implemented at the School.