Parent & Friends

P&F Second Hand Uniform Shop - Sale Day


Wednesday 19 June 2024 - 8.45 - 9.15 am


The pop-up uniform shop will be located in the school hall, with entry via the north-east door near the canteen.


If arriving early, please line up against the large hall windows so students have space to pass.


Items are priced from 50c to $10. Payment is by EFTPOS (preferred) or cash. A stock list and pricelist can be found on the P&F website a day or two prior to the sale day:



All sales must be made in person. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to send a friend along on your behalf.  You can also send your child to the hall with a list and money in an envelope, and we will do our best to fill your order.


Any donations of uniform pieces can be left at the school office at any time. Thank you to all families who have recently donated, it is greatly appreciated.


We’d love your help! The uniform shop is run by parent volunteers – please email the P F at if you are able to help out on sale days or with stocktake.

Lawn Mowing - June Roster

We thank our St Joseph's families for keeping our grounds beautiful.


June Lawn Mowing Team


Stewart CRIPPS

Nwanyieze NWALI




If you are interested in joining the Lawn Mowing Crew, please click on the link to our online volunteer form.


Andrew Renwick

Mobile: 04111 04161