Principal's Page

Dear Parents and Friends,


P&F Trivia Night

Thank you to the parents and staff who attended the P&F Trivia Night last week. I am truly grateful for your generosity and your support of this event. On behalf of the school community, I would like to thank Chantel Elliott for her organisation of the night whose hard work, dedication and sense of fun ensured a very successful night with great company, many laughs and almost $5000 raised!


Annual Improvement Plan Update

Goal: Students will achieve continual growth in Mathematics as a result of shared curriculum expectations and collaborative processes ensuring alignment of curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment.


Professional Learning Teams

  • Our teachers met within their Professional Learning Teams to evaluate student progress, moderate student assessment data and plan for future learning. Teachers clearly articulated changes to their teaching practice that has led to student achievement and engagement. It is exciting work


Staff Development Day

  • On Friday, our staff met to further develop our knowledge of the Revised NSW Syllabus and to explore effective pedagogical practices to provide engaging and challenging maths lessons; What Explicit Teaching Is and Isn’t, Talk Moves and Working Mathematically. 

Recent Staff Professional Learning

Research tells us that the quality of the teacher is the greatest in-school influence on student achievement. Therefore high quality professional learning for teachers must be a priority to ensure improved teacher practice that leads to improved student learning growth. Professional learning undertaken by our staff over the past fortnight includes:


27 May 2024 - School Cyclic Inquiry Panel 

Mrs Duffin


30 May 2024 - English Curriculum Day - Creating Texts

Mrs Grose & Miss O’Donoghue


4 June 2024 - Senior School Support Officer Network Day

Mrs Gallagher & Mrs Riley


5 June 2024 - School Cyclic Inquiry Panel

Mrs Duffin


7 June 2024 - Australian Early Development Census

Miss Loumanis & Miss Negus


Acting Assistant Principal

I thank Mrs Kylie Grose for stepping into the role of Acting Assistant Principal during Weeks 6 and 7 whilst Mr Aguilera is on Long Service Leave.


Sibling Enrolments 2025 Kindergarten

If you have a child beginning Kindergarten in 2025 and have not enrolled him/her, please do so as soon as possible. Interviews are almost complete and ‘Letters of Offer’ will be sent out in two weeks.

Mental Health Services Review – Invitation to Feedback and Validation Forum

The CEDoW ILW Wellbeing and Student Support Team has been collaborating with Shawn van der Linden of Altum Consulting Pty Ltd to review the mental health supports available for CEDoW students.


Mental Health Services Review - Invitation to Feedback and Validation Forum

We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has participated in this review through written surveys or semi-structured online interviews.


Next Steps - Feedback and Validation Forum

We are now entering the final stage of this process, which involves a critical feedback and validation forum.


We are inviting key stakeholders, including parents, school staff, CatholicCare counsellors, and CEO staff, to join us for a face-to-face group discussion.


These three forums will be held on Thursday 27 June 2024, at the Marian Centre Wollongong.


Event Details


Thursday 27 June 2024

LocationMarian Centre Wollongong
Time3-hour session with a half-hour break (three forum sessions available to choose from)
RefreshmentsMorning and afternoon tea provided

The forum will focus on reflecting on the preliminary findings of the review and will provide an opportunity for participants to contribute to the emerging recommendations.


Session Booking

Participants are requested to book one session from the available time slots via this Google form

Captains’ Report

This week's Captain’s Report will be talking about the Year 6 Leadership Group initiatives to make our school a better place. 


I am excited to report that the Tiny Forest (community garden) project is underway with Year 6 supporting the design of the garden. Look out for a diverse range of new plants along the front fence of the school. You can expect the students to start writing their poems in the next few weeks. Thank you to Celie for leading this project.


We are looking forward to the house captains continuing to do their role plays during Monday morning assemblies. These role plays help students understand the weekly PB4L focus using real life scenarios. 


This term, the Health and Wellbeing group has initiated the project Lunchtime Friends. I have interviewed one of the leaders of this group, Lylah, here’s what she said:

 “The goal of our project is for the students to have fun and improve their social skills especially with the younger kids as they have just started school and some are looking for friends. 

The activities we usually do include Hide and Seek as well as hand games because these games are the most appealing to the Kindergarten students. We also look forward to spending time with our older students in Years 1, 2 and 3.”


Summer and Charlotte in KM said they loved playing hide and seek with the Year 6 leaders. They also like playing hand games and would love to do it again.


By Ned Segrave 



School Assemblies in Term 2

Our next school assembly for Term 2 will be held tomorrow, Friday 7 June from 2.00pm in the hall.  All welcome.



Kaylene Duffin

Principal, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Principal Awards

Our Principal awards are presented to students fortnightly on the even week.  


The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our assembly at 2.00pm on Friday 7 June  (Term 2 Week 6). 

Cooper N1st
Lynkoln Q3rd
Harry N4th
Noah P4th
Elizabeth K5th
Aasha P5th
Liam T1st
Henry A2nd
Amelie M6th
Sadie J5th

How does my child receive a Principal's Award?

Class teachers nominate students for Blue Merit Awards which are presented at the weekly assembly.  When five Blue Merit Awards have been received, students send them to the school office to be recorded and are then eligible for a Principal’s Award. When students attain their 4th Principal Award, they are awarded a Principal’s Medallion at an assembly. End of Term awards can be included as part of the 5 awards.  Please see the "School Handbook" for a full list of eligible awards.

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past, present and emerging the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.