From Last Week 

Important information in case you missed it! 

3/4 Camp Volunteers

We are looking for 2-3 parent/carer volunteers who are interested in attending our middle school camp next term. Our grade 3/4 students will be going to Campaspe (a little over halfway to Castlemaine) from Wednesday 21/08 to Friday 23/08.

Volunteers do not need to have children in the cohort but you will need to have a current Working With Children Check. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in childhood development or anyone who loves some outdoor adventure! If you are interested in volunteering for the camp, please let us know by clicking this link.

Traffic around the School 

This is a friendly reminder to all members of our community that the drop off zone on Culloden Street must only be used for quick drop offs and pick ups at the beginning and end of the day. Leaving your car parked at the front of the school contributes to congestion and makes it tricky and dangerous for all families to find parking, or for our students to safely navigate the road and footpaths. 

In addition, we would like to remind all of our families to have a chat at home about how to cross the road safely. We have had a few incidents of students (particularly on bikes or scooters) who are entering the road from the school quickly and without checking for traffic or looking both ways. If you follow this link you will find some great road safety resources to access from home. 

If your child is not yet ready to cross the road independently, we ask that you meet them at school and help them cross the road safely rather than calling them to cross the road alone.

Health Alert: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae

Recently we had a student within the school diagnosed with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae; a highly contagious strain of pneumonia (click the link to read more). We ask that any families who notice flu-like symptoms please see a GP to seek medical advice. We appreciate families letting us know about any contagious illnesses, so we can communicate to families and help contain any spread. 

This is a great time to remind everyone that we want all sick children to remain at home until they are feeling better - not just this illness! When sickness spreads through school it causes ongoing impacts to many students, families and staff - all disrupting learning.