Community News

Parents & Friends Association
Community News - What's On
Check out what's on in the wider community
YMCA Before and After School Care
PUPIL FREE DAY - 30 MAY (See flyer below - Pyjama Day)
Before and After School Care operates daily at the school from 7.00am - 8:45am and 3.00pm – 6.00pm.
To enrol your children please log on to the YMCA children’s program and register on MY Family Lounge. Alternatively, if you have any questions regarding After School Care and our program feel free to phone anytime.
Contact us on M: 0429 899 024 or E:
We provide the children with nutritious breakfast and after-school snacks every day! Fruit platters, veggie sticks and dip, homemade icy poles, cereal, wraps, and pasta are just some of our meals.
Foundation Families - upcoming event
Road Safety
The City of Greater Bendigo have recently received a high number of incident reports in relation to:
- families parking across designated crossing lines to drop children off at school.
- number of cars driving through the crossing when the supervisor has an active crossing and is holding a stop sign.
Bendigo Police Highway Patrol have been notified regarding this increased number of incidents and near misses.
To ensure the safety of children, parents and crossing supervisors, can you please remind families of the safety requirements when passing through school crossing zones.
Under the Road Safety Road Rules 2017, whenever the school crossing flags are displayed, it is illegal to stop or park:
- 20 metres before a school crossing
- 10 metres after a school crossing
- within 10 metres of an intersection
If school crossing flags are displayed, you must stop for pedestrians. You must remain stopped until the crossing is clear.
During active school crossing times, the speed limit is reduced to 40km/h.
Parent Connection - Facebook Page
This group allows parents of St Therese's to communicate with each other - to socialise, fundraise, participate in school-related discussions, make suggestions, and remind others of up and coming events.
Feel free to ask questions, offer advice, connect with other parents, inform others of school happenings, offer encouragement, congratulate milestones, and offer assistance for our Parents and Friends Association.
This is a parent-led group independent of school administration - St Therese's accepts no responsibility or liability for the content or content available at the sites linked to this Facebook page. Any negative discussion of St Therese's and its staff will be deemed inappropriate.
This is a CLOSED group. Membership to the group will be at the discretion of the Administrators. All posts must be done respectfully and appropriately.