Message from 

the Principal

Message from the Principal

Dear Families,


Very excited to announce that our new junior playground has been ordered!  We have been working our way through some compliance issues but have been given the go-ahead. Thank you to Ebony, Sharon, and their dedicated team, who have continued to work hard in this space, and to every member of our community who has contributed to this project. The installation date at this stage is September 30th.


Our 2025 Foundation enrolments close on Friday, and our numbers are very strong. The overwhelming feedback from those who attended the Information Session and the various school tours has been of the warmth they felt when entering the school, how polite and articulate our Year 6 Leaders are, and how calm and focused the classrooms appear. I couldn't be happier!


Thank you to each parent and caregiver for the way your children present each day and for the pride they have in their school. Together, we continue to build a culture of inclusion and high expectations. 

St Therese's Social Media

It has come to our attention that some social media accounts have been created using St Therese's School name (e.g. TikTok). Please note that we are not associated with these accounts and have taken steps to report them - please do not follow or click on any links from these pages. 

The only official social media for St Therese's includes:

Online Behaviour

This topic is certainly gaining more media attention, and the impact of social media is becoming more apparent. 

For those who missed our online Safe on Social session for parents and carers, please take the time to watch the VIDEO RECORDING of our session. (click the link)


After participating in both the student and parent sessions, I cannot say strongly enough that Primary-age children are not emotionally, socially, or cognitively mature enough to be on TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and the like. Please don't fall into the trap of 'everyone' has it.  This is not the case.


Please find links below for the following information sheets that will help you and your families continue this important conversation.

COVID and Other Illnesses 

We have seen a big increase in the number of students absent with illness in the past two weeks, including the number of notified cases of COVID.  Please continue to be vigilant in this space, testing and keeping your children at home when they are unwell. 

We appreciate your support in this area.    

Australian Early Development Census 

Foundation families will have received an email with further information regarding this process. Please refer to the attached information regarding the AEDC.

Grow in the Likeness of God Award.

Each fortnight, I will award a member (or three) from our community this award based on our theme for 2024:   Grow in the Likeness of God.


This week's recipient is Oliver

Oliver is positive and kind to his classmates and teachers. He is polite and always tries his best, even when it is hard.  We are so lucky to have students like Oliver at St Therese's. 

2024 St Therese's Athletics Carnival