Term 2 has begun with a BANG for Year 2! 


We were lucky enough to step back into the past and explore what it was like to live and go to school back in the late 1800’s. The historians at Calala Cottage were full of great knowledge and allowed us to explore the differences between the past and the present (the topic we have been studying in History). We got to see how blacksmith’s worked, how they created horseshoes and the different types of equipment they used. We then saw all the different carriages and the ways people transported logs, materials and food. We got to put our dancing shoes on and go for a spin in the ballroom; wandering through the halls we saw artefacts that we had never seen before; ink dipped pens, telephones that used switch boards, meat hangers, water stones, tea cups with moustache protectors and an oven in a wall made purely for bread! With all this knowledge we compared what we have in our own homes today throughout the day. With so much learning flowing we continued on to do more in the 1884 Moonbi Beehive School. WOW! What a difference schooling life was back in the past compared to today.


The chalkboards, wooden desk in rows with ink pots and the most exciting thing of all; the punishment book! We could not believe the naughty things some students did to receive the cane. With our minds full of facts and knowledge on the history of the past, we have a deeper appreciation of the hardships people had in the past and how the advancements of today’s society give us so much! 


We can not wait to see what the future has in store for us in Term 2 and we look forward to sharing it with you.


We have had the opportunity to learn athletics skills with Mr Jay Stone. At the moment we have been learning about the correct moves for High Jump. This has been a lot of fun. 


In Mathematics we have been learning about Addition and sharpening our mental computation skills. Teachers have been very impressed with the application to learning strategies such as split strategy and number bonds. 





This week our Stage 3 debating team competed in the Tamworth Eisteddfod and completed two debates. Lucinda Crockett, Klara Bunnemeyer, Ariel Pannan and Sara Scott travelled to Nemingha Public School on Monday and Wednesday to compete in debates against the two Nemingha teams. The girls were clear, confident and persuasive in their arguments and were awarded the winners of both debates. They have one more debate to go during the rounds before the competitors in the semi-finals will be announced. Congratulations to the girls and their excellent work ethic, leading to outstanding results!