"Many Wolves .... One Pack"

Term 2 - Week 3

Welcome to Week 3,


Mothers Day Morning

Thank you to our mothers who were able to join us last Friday morning to acknowledge the role you play in our lives. We are so very fortunate at St Nicholas to have parents who love their children, value education and are committed to working with our school.

To all our mums, thank you for everything you do for us. 


Happy birthday Norman

Last Friday our student community came together to celebrate and acknowledge the birthday of one of the most recent additions to our support team - Norman. Norman has brought great joy and comfort to our student population in his short time with us. Norman builds on our school culture of supporting our children into an optimal state where they can be the best version of themselves and learn to their potential.


Happy 1st birthday Norman!


Dr Cameron Stelzer

This week we have been extremely fortunate to have Dr Cameron Stelzer work with our students. Dr Cameron is an author of the Pie Rat series and is supporting our students' writing in his role as the “Story Doctor”. For more information please click on the Library tab of this newsletter.


Open Classrooms 24th  and 31st May

Advanced notice of when our Open Classrooms will take place for Term 2. We look forward to welcoming our Primary parents on the morning of Friday 24th May and our Infant’s parents on the morning of Friday 31st May.


Attendance: Small changes in the way we communicate with our parents

From next Monday 20th May parents of students who have not explained their absence for the day will receivethe linked message at 10:00 each day. This message is automated and consistent across the diocese.


From Friday 24 May parents of unexplained absences who have not explained their absence for the week will receive the linked message at 11:00. This message is consistent across the diocese. 


Have a great week,


John Clery