Parent Information

Parent Orbit App
Have you downloaded the Parent Orbit App yet? We strongly encourage families to take advantage of its features, allowing for greater transparency and ease of managing school administration communications, requirements, and more.
Setting it up takes only a minute or two...
1. Go to the Apple or Google Play store and search 'ParentOrbit'.
2. Click the Get/Install button. After the app is installed, you will be asked to enter 'School Code' - Our school code is: gspv
3. Click on our school name then tap the login button.
4. Enter your Parent Lounge 5 digit parent code and password on the login screen that appears.
5. Click the blue 'Allow' button on the permissions page that follows.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our helpful team in the front office.
School Fee Payments
Our new paperless direct debit system is available to pay your school fees either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or termly, see instructions attached to easily set this up.
If you would like any assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the finance team:
Thank you,
Finance Team
School Photos
School Photos will be taken next Thursday, 27th February 2025.
Envelopes need to be filled in and returned, with payments completed, no later than this coming Monday, 24th February, even if you are NOT having a paid photo – the School Photographer needs your envelope for the class photo.
Thank you
Car Park Reminders
Thank you to the majority who take care in our car park. There are a few reminders to keep our whole community safe:
- Please refrain from using mobile phones while driving through the car park. Consider the risks around you.
- Please keep your speed to walking pace only, even in the right-hand 'through' lane - Our car park speed limit is 10km/h.
- Please watch for staff directions at the crossing and stop when the lollypop sign is turned to 'Stop'.
Thank you for your assistance.
Assembly Acknowledgements
Recognising their efforts in living our school values of Love, Optimism, and Creativity, we are pleased to acknowledge the following students: Cooper
Welcome Party
Ticket sales for our Welcome Party close TONIGHT - Purchase tickets now on the Qkr! App.
- Children 3-14 years: $12.00 - this includes unlimited access to activities
- Adults: $2.00
- Children under 3: Free
Only one order per family is required – please book your tickets under your eldest child’s name. Ticket purchases are required for EACH child 3-14yrs. Please bring your Qkr! receipt as proof of purchasing entry tickets.
We appreciate your help and support in making this Welcome Party a success and look forward to seeing you all there!
Siblings Enrolment
If you have not yet submitted an enrolment application for any siblings of current students, please do so as soon as possible to ensure a position is available, the sooner the better as places are filling fast! Your prompt attention to this is greatly appreciated. Enrolment applications can be collected from and returned to the front office.
Considering Endeavour College for Your Child?
If your child is currently in Year 5 and you're considering Endeavour College as their high school but haven't yet submitted an enrolment form, this is your reminder to do so before their deadline, next Friday 28th February.
Please see the attached information for further details and instructions.
JP Showcase 'Peter Pan - The Musical'
Get ready to be whisked away to Neverland! Our talented Junior Primary students are bringing the magic of Peter Pan to life in this year’s highly anticipated musical JP Showcase.
With daring adventures, mischievous lost boys, and a sprinkle of fairy dust, our school production promises to be a delight!
Save the Dates:
Wednesday 3rd September – 1:30pm
Thursday 4th September – 6:30pm
Tickets will be available in Term 2 – stay tuned for more details!
Ms Bethany McAleer
URStrong Parent Workshop
Next Tuesday, 25 February at 6pm, you are invited to attend an ONLINE Language of Friendship parent-child workshop, a URStrong school initiative.
Tyson Greenwood, Director of URSTRONG Schools (named one of Australia’s Most Influential Educators), will teach you and your children skills + language to foster healthy, feel-good friendships.
There is no need to register, simply follow the link below. If this is a first for you, you might want to try a test by clicking here.
When it’s time: CLICK HERE TO JOIN
Meeting ID: 833 1646 6567
Password: URSTRONG
Your partnership at home will help to empower our students with the important language skills needed to continue our culture of kindness at our school.
Volunteer Training
We have plenty of volunteer opportunities within our school for those interested in contributing to our vibrant community at Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista, and your involvement is crucial in creating a nurturing environment for our students.
Our next Volunteer Training session is:
- Monday 3rd March at 3.30pm
There has been an update to the training and any new volunteers now need to complete the RRHAN-EC online course.
To learn more about the available opportunities and the application process, please take a moment to review the attached PDF document.
We greatly appreciate your willingness to support our educational journey, and we look forward to welcoming you as valued members of our dedicated team
Seasons for Growth
Seasons for Growth is an 8- week program for children who have had changes occur in their families through death, separation, divorce or related circumstances. It has been run at Good Shepherd for many years now and each year we see the fruit of children having an opportunity to process change in a safe, supportive group.
We have normally run groups for children in stages 2,3 or 4 in term two but are open to running one this term if the need is there. The groups run for 45 minutes once a week. Children join the group with parent permission, at the suggestion of a parent and/or their teacher.
If you think your child/ren might benefit from this valuable program, or have more questions about it, please contact Renee Baker or Sonia Hulme and we will be in touch.
Please click the button for more information on the program...
Mother's Day Stall
The Mother’s Day Stall planning has begun. A team of parents are working behind the scenes to prepare for this special event.
If you're keen to help out, we are looking for:
- People to volunteer and serve at the stall with the students for sales. Dates of the stall are: Wed May 7 th 1105am – 3pm (with lunch break)
- Thurs May 8th 9am – 3pm (with morning tea and lunch break).
Save these dates!
For those who intend to volunteer at the stall, please take note of the volunteer trainings and requirements coming up this term so you are all ready to help for Week 2 Term 2 when the stall happens! The next training at school will be Monday 3rd March at 3.30pm (please see Newsletter for more information on this).
If you can't do this date, please be in touch with school to discuss this.
* Any parent who is keen to join the organising team, please get in touch!
Home Made donations to sell such as:
- Mini Succulent Plants / Earrings / Chocolate Jars - Please have these dropped off to school Wednesday week 1 and please communicate prior to the event with what you hope to donate, to Alix Zeppel -
Thank you for joining us in this venture. We look forward to celebrating together.
The Mother's Day Team:
Alana Siedel
Sarah Pound
Alix Zeppel
Jodi Quast
Kim Crane-Noonan
Michelle Muggleton
Rachael Richardson
Caring Conversations
How did you go with your caring conversations last week? What were your highs and lows? Did you discover something new about someone in your family? Here are some more to try out.
God bless your week!