
God's Kingdom

This week in Chapel, we begin a new series; “Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God”.

So I’ve been reflecting about what Jesus said about God‘s kingdom and what we understand from Scripture.


Whenever we pray the Lord’s prayer, we say the words “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.


God‘s kingdom is in this world and in the world to come; in this sphere of reality - our everyday time/space continuum where we live and breathe, and outside of our sphere of reality - “the heavenly kingdom” - the unseen/other worldly reality. Martin Luther puts it like this in the Small Catechism.

How does God's kingdom come?

God our Father comes to rule over us by giving us the Holy Spirit, so that by God's goodness to us we believe his holy Word and live as his people on earth now and in heaven forever.


It’s a powerful concept to grasp; God’s rule. We can learn about it, grow in it, and receive comfort that whatever we face God has got our back in this world or the world to come. 


Pastor Stephen Abraham

Sunday Service Times at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

2025 Worship Song Playlist

Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!