Community Notices

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller.

Community advertisements can be emailed to with "FOR NEWSLETTER" in the subject line.  Our weekly school newsletter is sent out on a Friday afternoon.  Submissions need to be received by COB Wednesdays for inclusion.  JPEG/PNG/PDF/word format are all accepted.

Art Exhibition

Above the Snow Line Exhibition – Final Weekend (Closes Sunday, Feb 23)


Sarah Lynch’s stunning photography captures the beauty and resilience of the Bogong High Plains Snow Gums, accompanied by an immersive winter soundscape from the Bogong High Plains Sound Map.


Developed during her residencies at the Bogong Centre for Sound Culture, Above the Snow Line reflects two years of documenting Snow Gums across Falls Creek and Mount Hotham.


For the exhibition’s final weekend, Sarah will return to Bogong Village, offering visitors a rare chance to meet the artist and hear the stories behind her work. Don’t miss this special opportunity before the exhibition closes!

B–CSC Gallery hours: Friday to Sunday, 10.30 to 4 pm.

Location: Main Street, Bogong Village


Grant Available

The Community Bank Mount Beauty & District is pleased and proud to announce another edition of the Susie Cohn Memorial Creative Arts Grant. The grant of $5,000 is provided annually and covers all areas of the creative arts.

Applicants should be over 18 and about to commence training for – or have already embarked upon – a career in their chosen field. Although applicants under that age may also be considered at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Whether you’re into dance, music, painting or pottery, this grant is to support those who wish to follow their dream in a career in the creative arts. 

Youth Comedy Competition

Class Clowns is here to inspire, connect and elevate teens aged 14-18 with a knack for comedy. Happening in Term 1 of the school year, this free and fun competition offers a unique opportunity to shine.

All it takes is 3-5 minutes of original material in any genre—whether it’s stand-up, sketch, solo, group, musical or physical comedy – the possibilities are endless! Each competition heat includes a FREE 2-hour workshop where participants will fine-tune their performances with the guidance of a professional comedian before taking to the stage.

Mount Beauty Tennis Club


Check out Mount Beauty Tennis Club's website for information on membership, coaching and comps.

Carer Connect

UKV Community Workshop

Free Training

For University Students

DOXA Cadetship Program