Careers News

Nicole WILSON 

Pathways & Transitions



We encourage you to visit our Highvale Careers Website, where you can book an appointment with one of our career’s practitioners for personalised guidance.


Our website is regularly updated with:

Weekly newsletters featuring the latest information on career pathways, post-school study options, and industry trends.

A message board with work experience opportunities, job openings, and key dates for external assessments such as the UCAT and Casper test.


What’s Happening in the Careers Space?

Term 1 Activities

  • Year 12 VTAC Presentation
  • University of Melbourne Tour and Presentation
  • Year 10 Work Experience Preparation – Includes a presentation and online modules to support students in their placement process.
  • Career Action Plans – Year 10, 11, and 12 students complete their Career Action Plans to set goals and explore future pathways.
  • Year 12 Individual Pathways Meetings – One-on-one discussions to support students in planning their next steps.
  • Year 8 & 9 Focus Group Sessions – "Getting to Know You" activities to introduce career exploration.

Upcoming Important Dates

📅 27th Match- Holmesglen Health Showcase- industry immersion experience open to Year 10 students interested in a career in the health sector

📅 30 April & 7 May – Year 9 Morrisby Profiling

📅22 May – Senior Careers Expo


Visit our [Highvale Careers Website] today! This valuable resource can be accessed through compass by clicking on the star icon and choosing HSC Careers.