Swimming Carnival 2025 


Phil TAWA & Adrian SCHMID

Head of Sports


2025 College Swimming Carnival - Attendance is COMPULSORY


Our college swimming carnival is coming up on Tuesday the 25th of Feb. In 2025, it will be a whole school event, with all students and staff attending. THIS IS NOT AN OPTIONAL EVENT. IT IS A COMPULSORY SCHOOL DAY, AND ALL STUDENTS ARE TO ATTEND. There will be no formal classes or supervision at school.

Before the day, can all students please make sure they know their student code!!! This will be used for recording purposes when competing in events.

Please see general information below: 


Date: Tuesday 25th February


Venue: Aquarena Aquatic and Leisure Centre. 139/153 Williamsons Rd, Templestowe Lower VIC 3108


Time: Meet at school regular start time of 8:30am. We will return to school by 2:55pm.


Cost: This is a FREE event for all students!


Transport: All students and staff will travel to and from the venue by bus.


Dress: Please wear your designated house colours! OR Full PE uniform. What to bring: Food and drinks, hat, towel, bathers, sunscreen. There will be a canteen and BBQ available, however supplies here will be limited. Please bring cash for the BBQ.


At school in the morning: Please go to your usual designated focus group room at 8:30am, to have your attendance marked, and wait to be directed to go to the bus bays behind the canteen. Please get on a bus with your focus group and focus group teacher.


At the venue: Students to display our school values, be off devices, and get involved with the day's activities. There will be many events other than swimming races, so non swimmers will have the chance to be involved in the day. See the activities below.


At approximately 1:45pm, students will be asked to get into their focus groups, find their focus group teacher and have the roll marked again. We will then start the process of departing the venue in year level groups. Once back at school, students will go back to focus group classrooms until 2:55pm for normal dismissal.



  • Main swimming program, where students are free to turn up to compete in any races they wish, including freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle relays.

  • Novelty water events including the ring collection game

  • Non-water activities, including volleyball, tug of war, egg and spoon and 3 legged races.

  • Waterslides (10:30am-1:30pm): We are obviously anticipating that the waterslides will be popular. In order to access the waterslides, students need to collect a token. One token is good for one ride. To collect a token, students will need to complete one of the following: Compete in a swimming event or non swimming event, best wearing of house colours/costumes, exceptional displays of our school values, helping with a job/duty and, collecting them from a mystery teacher who will change randomly throughout the day. Only certain teachers will be able to give out the tokens, and won't be given out easily! We want students to be involved in the day as much as possible.  

Students who are in the top 2 fastest swimmers for each stroke for their age group, will qualify for the Division event to be held on Monday the 3rd of March. These students are expected to make themselves available to attend this event. 


Please let Mr Schmid or Mr Tawa know if you have any questions. Looking forward to a great day!