Wellbeing . . .

Peaceful Kids
The Peaceful Kids program has begun for selected year 5/6 students. This is an 8 week program where a group of 6 or 7 students will be working together on various strategies.
The 'Peaceful Kids' program is a mindfulness and positive based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children. This program helps children to build their emotional resilience, so they are better equipped to deal with the day-to-day stresses that life brings them. The program also involves parental involvement by committing to support the strategies at home. Parents of students who are part of the program should receive an email each week outlining the content of the Peaceful Kids class for that week, including a link to the meditation that we participated on the day. We encourage students to use the link for further meditation throughout the week at home. Parents can choose to join their child in this practice.
Since our 'Peaceful Kids' program last year was such a HUGE SUCCESS with many of our students, we have decided to provide students with the opportunity to practice more mindfulness at school. This term at 2pm every Monday, we are opening the Wellbeing room for the year 1 and 2 students, and the library for the years 3 - 6 students to practice some mindfulness. This is for our students to come in for some quiet, peaceful time and to focus simply on themselves. All students from these year levels are welcome to attend each week, on a completely voluntary basis.
Kim has kindly volunteered to facilitate Mindful Monday for the year 1 and 2 students in the Wellbeing room and Julie will facilitate the mindfulness for the year 3 - 6 students in the library.
We launched this initiative last week with many interested year 3 - 6 students, who felt very calm before leaving to attend their classes.
There is a rapidly growing research-base on the positive role of Mindfulness for healthy childhood development and learning.
On Thursdays this term, students from Lalor North Secondary College will come to Lalor East Primary School and coordinate organised games for our students to play at recess time from 1:45pm to 2:15pm every Thursday this term. So students, if you see the Lalor North students outside in the yard, be sure to join in on the fun!
Start Up Program
All students have participated in the new and improved Start Up Program for this year to help them transition smoothly into their new classes for 2025. Our Lalor East Behaviour Matrix has been a focus of this program where students are reminded of how to show our school values in the various spaces.
Respectful Relationships
The Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships classes will begin next week. Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks.