From the Principal

Welcome Back

It was wonderful to be able to have our students return so enthusiastically after the summer break. Students have settled in well and are very engaged with their learning.


Welcome to any families, including our new preps, who have joined our Laor East 'family'. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.


We were planning a welcome bbq for all our families for this term but have realised that the date we chose clashes with Ramadan. We have rescheduled the date to the first week of term 2 so that our Muslim families are able to join us on the night. Please save the following date in your diary, Thursday 24 April around 5ish till 7. 

Introducing our 2025 School Captains

It is always exciting when we start the year off with our new captains in place. Banin, Artin, Yousef and Aleena have been doing a wonderful job running our assemblies the last three weeks. They all have some wonderful ideas of projects for 2025 to help make LEPS even better so I am sure you will be seeing them a lot throughout the year! 

Ambulance and Accident Cover

A reminder to our families of the importance of Ambulance and Accident Cover for your children. If there is an emergency situation and your child is injured, the school will contact the Ambulance regardless of whether you have Ambulance Insurance. We do this to ensure we are carrying out our Duty of Care


A short ride in the ambulance can cost thousands of dollars. Ambulance Insurance only costs $106.73 for the whole family for one year.


Schools do not have cover for students if they fall and break an arm or leg. You may want to consider taking out Accident Cover to cover such emergencies. 

Personal Items

Lalor East Primary strongly encourages students to leave personal items including mobile phones, games, special teddies or jewellery at home. Schools are busy places with lots of people in them and it is very easy for children to lose items when they bring them to school. Missing items cause great distress for the person who lost them especially if it is an item of personal significance or with high monetary value. While we will endeavour to assist to find missing items, we do not have insurance to cover the cost of replacing the missing item. 


If children do bring mobile phones to school, they need to be signed in at the office when children arrive so they can be locked up in a secure place for the day. Children can then collect them from the office before heading home.



Linda Richards
