Information for families

 Bus Passes

If your student/s require a bus pass ensure a note by the parent/carer is dropped into the office at the commencement of the day. This note must be signed, dated and an explanation as to where your student is going. Please do not come to the office at the end of the day to request a pass as it will not be granted.As most of our busses are full, some passes may not be available. Buses No1 and No 2 you may not get a pass.


Students are NOT permitted to travel on any of our buses without a pass.




If you did not placed a photo order before Monday 17th February' parents can still place an order through the Parent Compass Portal or alternatively, contact MSP Photography on 03 5482 3190 or email




We ask that all families complete the Local Excursion Consent Form for 2025.

This enables your student/s to attend any local excursion held in Rochester.

If  you have not received a form please ask your child to collect one from the office.



Leaving early or Signing in late

If you know your student/s will be arriving late or leaving early, can you please add this to Compass or send in a signed dated note or phone the office on 5484 1844.