Peer Support Sessions

Week 5 - Managing Conflict
Key content:
Justifying views
Getting needs met
This week, the focus of the Peer Support session is to practise justifying views and getting needs met in respectful ways.
Conflict management aims to minimise potential negative impacts that can arise from disagreements and increase the odds of a positive outcome. It involves listening respectfully to another person’s view, identifying options and agreeing on a way forward.
Students explore and practise understanding and respect when interacting with others in their Peer Support group. They experiment with different (safe) ways to manage conflict and realise that the way they communicate, can make a difference to the outcome of conflict.
Week 6 – Decision Making
Key content:
Respect– self & others
Personal achievement
Ethical dilemmas (right and wrong)
This week, students learn about respect for self and others. Respect is having and showing regard for and consideration of other people’s worth, feelings, wishes and rights. Self-respect involves acting with integrity, and caring for/valuing ourselves, our abilities and potential.
Students explore thoughts, words and actions that promote respect for self and others. They practise respectful listening and talking to others about their achievements. Students realise others feel valued and accepted when they are being respected.
Students make decisions and choices based on many different reasons. There is nothing wrong with being influenced by other people or by different ideas. Students can learn a lot from positive role models and other people’s experiences and ideas. Understanding what is truly important to them and acting with integrity helps build self-respect and have a positive influence on others and the world around them.
Students explore what they think is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ by making and sharing decisions about ethical dilemmas.