Dates to Remember 


Date ActivityTime 
Wednesday 26thPrep Rest Day 
Wednesday 26thWhole School 2025 Opening Mass9.30am

Tuesday 25th 

Wednesday 26th 

Friday 28th (Pupil Free Day)

Learning Conversations 

(Parent / Teacher Interviews)

Bookings via SimonEverywhere

3:30pm - 5:30pm

3:30pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm

Friday 28th Pupil Free Day (Learning Conversations) 



Date ActivityTime 
Tuesday 4th Shrove Tuesday - Pancake morning 8am
Wednesday 5thAsh Wednesday 
Wednesday 5thPrep Rest Day 
Thursday 6th Prep Welcome BBQ 3:15pm
Monday 10th Labour Day Public Holiday 
Wed 12th - Tue 18thNAPLAN - Grade 3 & Grade 5 
Wed 26th - Fri 28th 5/6 Camp - Weekaway Camp, Benloch 


Date ActivityTime 
Tuesday 1st Whole School Pupil Free Day - Staff PD 
Thursday 3rd School Photo Day  
Friday 4th Last Day of Term 1 

Pupil free days at the end of the holidays means students will have 3 weeks holiday. 

Term 2 begins on 28th April. 



You can keep up to date with what's coming up via the Simon Everywhere app

Click on the home icon then scroll to the bottom of the next screen, you will find the calendar - upcoming excursions will be on there and you can click on them for more details, as well as lots of useful links below in Knowledge banks and School links for parents.