General Information & Reminders

iPad Use and Messaging Guidelines


To maintain a focused and distraction-free learning environment, we ask that only school-related apps be visible on your child’s iPad home screen, with any games or personal apps placed in a folder on a separate screen.


In line with the Department of Education’s statewide policy, students are not permitted to send or receive messages during school hours. If you need to contact your child, please do so through the school office.


When not in use for learning, iPads and smart devices will be stored in a school safe or designated drawer to ensure appropriate use.


Thank you for your support!


Homework Expectations and Guidelines


Homework will be assigned weekly and should be submitted via Google Classroom or workbook, with occasional exceptions throughout the year. Tasks will include maths revision, reading comprehension, writing tasks and may involve research activities linked to our inquiry unit.


To support good study habits, we strongly encourage students to create a homework schedule to manage their workload effectively—an essential skill for secondary school.

Please take the opportunity to discuss homework tasks with your child, review their work, and provide feedback before submission. We also expect students to check and edit their work before handing it in.