The Sea is our Best Friend update 

Congratulations to the 3/4 Community 

The 3/4 community started the year with the planting of 350 mangroves through the Mangrove Mates program run by Oz Fish.  


The students worked with Oz Fish down at Hastings foreshore.  They had to first prepare the seeds by attaching them to bamboo stakes using rubber bands and cable ties. The children showed great determination when undertaking this new skill. Such a super effort the children prepared 350 seeds.  They were then planted in the area near the break wall in Hastings.  All 350 of them! 

You could go on a little adventure and see if you can see the bamboo stakes sticking out of the mud.

Andy, from Oz Fish, gave the children some more seeds to plant back at school. The Mangrove Warriors planted 100 seeds and hopefully we will get some seedlings from that batch to replant down in Hastings later in the year.

Well done everyone, such great resilience and teamwork on a very hot day of planting.