

Gab Espenschied

Dear Parents, 


Last Thursday, students in Years 3-6 participated in the St Joseph’s swimming sports. The event was held at Crib Point pool and it was a day full of positivity, teamwork and students showing great stamina and persistence. 



To see our kids all jumping into as many events as possible, cheering and encouraging each other on and putting all of their learning powers and tool kit into action was brilliant. What a great team spirit in action!


Many thanks to our Phys Ed teacher Emily Reed for her excellent organisation of the day and to all parents who were able to come along and assist on the day.


Building community is at the heart of student learning and engagement. Students who feel a sense of belonging and connectedness to their community shine and flourish.  The environment we create together in partnership provides strong messages to our students that they are important and belong to a positive, caring and brilliant place of learning, discovering and growing. 


Thanks to Sue Jackson, Trish Brennan,  Rick Stubbins and all staff who contributed to such a wonderful Beginning of the year Mass and community BBQ.  


Congratulations to our student leaders who received recognition of the exciting leadership journey they have commenced in 2025.  All of our Year 6 students work collaboratively in teams leading house spirit groups, sustainability, technology, social justice and Indigenous fire carrier groups.


All year 5 and 4 students are also in a team building strong connections and building leadership skills and making a difference in our community and world.


Congratulations on a wonderful week of learning last week. Students have been working really well in their new learning communities and are setting learning goals to achieve the very best in all they set out to do. 


As Principal, I am very proud of the scaffolds, routines and supports in place ensuring safe environments that are consistent and automatised, allowing our working memory to learn new things and reach the highest of academic standards.


  1. Set expectations, routines and rules.
  2. Prepare the classroom environment
  3. Build student teacher relationships
  4. Respond to behaviour


We strive to achieve excellence for every student in their learning.  We have the highest priority on ensuring every student reaches their full potential in the basic skills in literacy and numeracy. Home learning has commenced so please ensure your child is reading every night and bringing their signed diary in each day.


On top of our high priority on Literacy and Numeracy we strive to provide opportunities for every student to shine and flourish in inspiring ways.


Please read with your children every night and build a love of literacy and books. This will leverage your child in ways you will not realise teaching them connections to so many fields of knowledge along with building empathy and understanding.


 If you can’t read every night please let us know so we can help support you.


 Finally, our school canteen will commence this week and run fortnightly. A huge thank you to Carly Cook for offering to manage the canteen in 2025. 


Please make sure you have filled out the parent involvement letter and jump in and help in any way.  


Yours in Partnership,
