House Leader Reports

Blackwood Report
Big news from our incredible Year 9s, who have taken out the Primus Cup, showing off their skill, teamwork, and unstoppable Blackwood spirit! It was an intense competition, but they pushed through and made us all proud. A huge pat on the back to everyone who gave it their all, you’ve set the bar high, and maybe the start of a new record?
But we’re not done yet! Athletics is just around the corner, and this is our chance to bring home even more glory. Whether you're sprinting, jumping, throwing, or cheering from the sidelines in your very cool costumes, every bit of Blackwood energy counts. Let’s make our presence felt on the track!
A little side note from our Sports Captain:
I am so incredibly proud of everyone in Blackwood for our amazing efforts at Swimming Carnival! From the outstanding performances of our swimmers to the overwhelming house spirit in the stands, I cannot thank you all enough! Let’s continue to keep this up and show the other houses how much cooler we are!!!!!!! 😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🥶🥶🥶
Go Blackwood!
Rishit, Rachel and Annelise ⚔️💙
Apollo Report
What an AMAZING way to start off the new year! With our year 9’s taking home SECOND PLACE for Primus, we are already in the mindset to work hard and try our best to get that win each and every time! It took great dedication, but our newest cohort managed to break through and get the job done, demonstrating their amazing spirit!
Wait… did someone say SPIRIT?? YEP, let’s not forget our OUTSTANDING WIN for house spirit at swimming carnival! Although we didn’t quite win the swimming carnival cup, we made sure to celebrate each of our individual wins and take home the memories of such an eventful day.
And now, the time has come for ATHLETICS!! We are so excited to see all of you in action next Friday, putting in all the effort and making sure we get all the participation for EVERY event. Let’s keep the house spirit winning streak as well, so make sure you dress up with amazing costumes and MAKE THE STANDS A SEA OF GREEN!
Here’s a short message from your sports captain!
I want to thank all of you who participated in swimming and I hope we keep up the participation and efforts for athletics as well !!!! I am proud that we also are winning House volleyball games too ! Victory's in sight with Apollo’s green light!
From the rest of us, we just want to thank each and every one of our wonderful members of Apollo house for their amazing efforts and work done and we look forward to seeing YOU in action all year long! Let’s leave the school shaken with our new chant and raging spirit next week. GO APOLLO PHOENIX!
Vishesh, Chinwe, Merrita
Apollo Leadership Team 💚
Kororoit Report
There’s no better way to kick the year off than with a win. A huge congratulations to each and every one of YOU who contributed to securing our victory at the Swimming Carnival! Whether you were in the pool giving it your all, cheering for your friends from the stands, or helping around the venue and participating in minigames, our success was a testament to all of you and your efforts. HOWEVER! This is just the beginning, so let's carry this momentum with us to ATHLETICS RAHHHH!!
While we gave the Year 9s a strong introduction to Kororoit at swimming carnival, they didn’t disappoint either, in returning the favour by securing runner up in the Primus Cup! Of course, we have to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that went into claiming the victory for Westgate Sports Day, demonstrating their commitment and house spirit.
From their bravery to step up and fill lanes at the Swimming Carnival, their impressive efforts in the Primus Cup, to their enthusiasm for the upcoming Athletics Carnival, the Class of 2028 has already shown great promise, and we’re sure they will continue that throughout their time at Suzanne Cory!
Athletics is coming up on Friday 7th of March so lace up your running shoes, buy some pre workout, get your house spirit ready, and most importantly, GET YOUR COSTUMES THIS WEEKEND 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Humble in spirit, champions by nature,
Audrey & Sahnan 🐉❤️🔥
New year, new us. Congrats to everyone’s tremendous efforts at the recent Swimming Carnival and a warm welcome to all the new year 9s who have joined us. On behalf of the leadership team, we are so proud of everyone who participated. Although we didn’t quite achieve what we had initially set out to as a house, our leaders saw some serious promise in the fight we put up and sincerely believe that we can still win the House Cup! From the last-minute student helpers and the swimmers who pushed themselves to newer heights, to the Rothwellians cheering proudly in the stands and those helping make banners and decorations - each and every one of you made us leaders proud to be a part of Rothwell.
Chorals and the Athletics Carnival are just around the corner, and we hope that we can rise to the challenge and take what’s ours. It's not about how you start, it’s about how you finish!
Let’s give it our all this athletics and chorals, it's not over until it's actually over. That said, it would be great if we could continue bringing enthusiasm and our outside voices to Chorals rehearsal. Gavin and the chorals team have poured everything into making Rothwell a chorals powerhouse, and the least we can do to show them our love and support is to sing our hearts out during house assemblies! Let's show Apollo, Blackwood, and Kororoit that Rothwell is not to be underestimated!
We’re just getting started…
Arthur, Olivia and the Rothwell Leadership team.