Achievements & Results

House debating and DAV round 1 success

At the end of term 4 last year, we had the privilege of running the first debating competition of the year: House debating which had a immense turnout and we are super proud of everyone that showed up to debate, after a very intense and close round of debates between the houses the results are as follows!!:

Drum roll please…..!!

  1. Rothwell
  2. Apollo
  3. Kororoit
  4. Blackwood


Congratulations to all houses, all debaters and adjudicators who gave up their time to participate. We couldn't have done this, without all your efforts so thank you!!


DAV round 1 results

We kicked off the year with annual debating association of victoria (DAV) competition’s round 1, earlier this week on Tuesday 25th February. We would like to take this moment to applaud every single person who showed up and debated to the best of their abilities despite the challenges thrown at them, all teams from A-D grade had huge successes, with an almost ridiculous sweep, with SIX OUT OF SEVEN teams crushing their opponents by almost cruel margins. Accompanying these wins are the best speakers from each debate we participated in (naturally all from Suzanne Cory)


A grade (both teams won) - Aaditya Thakur (team 1) and Sanvi Thakur (team 2)

B grade (both teams won) - Adiba Khan (team 1), Saisha Sarin (team 2)

C grade (team 1 forfeit, team 2 won ) - Aadhya Rengarajan (team 2)

D grade (team 1 won and team 2 lost) - Alexis Tremoulis (team 1), Bavna Prasannakumar and Srishti Jha (team 2)


As your extracurricular captains, we are beyond amazed and proud of every single one of you, keep up the good work!! We are going to smash through this year and have got many more amazing extracurricular opportunities coming up throughout the year!

Your Whole School Extracurricular Captains, Sanvi and Aaditya :)


Image 1: A grade debaters (Bottom left -> right: Salma Hassan, Bea Payla, Top left -> right: Arasu Anbarasan, Aaditya Thakur, Shubhi Garg, Sanvi Thakur)
Image 1: A grade debaters (Bottom left -> right: Salma Hassan, Bea Payla, Top left -> right: Arasu Anbarasan, Aaditya Thakur, Shubhi Garg, Sanvi Thakur)
Image 2: (left to right: Avni Mallick, Adiba Khan, Vanalika Puri)
Image 2: (left to right: Avni Mallick, Adiba Khan, Vanalika Puri)