Parent News & Webinars

Year 9 & 10 Assessment Bands
In 2025, SCHS is transitioning to new Assessment Bands for all students in Year 9 and 10. These bands provide a clear understanding of the level students are performing at whilst also providing the opportunity for challenge beyond the course level.
On the 24th February Year 10 parents were welcomed to a Webinar where the changes were explained. If you would like to access this Webinar, please refer to the Parent A-Z.
Please note there are no changes to the VCE and IB approaches to assessment and grading.
Kimberley Pye, Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning
New Parent Information Evening
Last Tuesday we welcomed our New Parents for an Information Evening. The purpose of the evening was to provide new parents and guardians of SCHS students with information relating to student learning, curriculum, assessment, wellbeing and engagement as well as provide you with an opportunity to talk with the Wellbeing Coordinators.
It was great to see so many of you here however if you were unable to attend you can view a recording of the presentation here
A - Z School Information
Suzanne Cory High School is committed to making information easy to access.
To assist families locate and access a range of important information we have created an A – Z of school information which can be located through the School Documents tab within Compass.
Here families and students can access up to date information on a wide range of topics.
What information can be found here??
Alumni | Forms | School Values |
Assessment | Illness/Sickbay & Medical Conditions | Student Activities |
Attendance | Instrumental Music | Sub-School Structure |
Bell Times | IT Services | Subject Handbooks |
Booklists | Library Services | Timelines |
Careers | Newsletter | Uniform |
Communications to Families | Payments | Wellbeing |
Contacts | Policies | Webinars |
Dates | School Program & School Song |
How to access this information:
Parents are reminded to ensure they are reguarly checking Compass for updates, events and news. Parents can also add attendance notes and see what their child has coming up in their weekly schedule.
Please ensure attendance note are added in a timely manner, please remember to include a written explanation when adding attendance.
Ambulance Cover
Parents/carers of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs; and
Parents/carers are encouraged to purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers.
Late Arrivals
Students are reminded that if they are late to school to sign in at the Compass Kiosk. Once students arrive to class, they are to please make themselves known to the class teacher so they can adjust the roll.
Student Safety: Use the School Crossing
We would like to remind all students to use the designated school crossing when crossing the road. Our school is located on a very busy road, and using the crossing ensures everyone’s safety.
Parents, we also encourage you to reinforce this message at home to help keep our students safe. Thank you for your cooperation in prioritizing road safety for our school community.