Walk and Wheel Wednesdays

Get your shoes ready; it’s that time of year! 

‘Walk and Wheel’ to school is once again, here! 

Ready and prepared come rain or shine.

Just keep on plodding, you’ll do just fine


If you can’t walk all week just walk one day, 

If the journey’s too long, just walk part way.

Park away from school in a different street 

Leave the car behind and get on your feet


We have commenced our Walk and Wheel Wednesdays again and it is great to see our students walking and wheeling around Boroondara Park Primary Shool. The temperature and UV rate can be quite high in February so make sure to wear a hat and sunscreen when walking and wheeling. 


Walk and Wheel Wednesdays have many benefits including:

  • Reduced traffic congestion
  • Keeping our bodies active
  • Extra quality time with family and friends.  

If you live further away or if the weather is not ideal for walking, your family can park the car close by and walk part of the way to school. 


Wheeling can include various modes of transport including bike, scooter, skateboard, and unicycle.  Each assembly the class with most walkers and wheelers in Junior School (Foundation- Grade 2) and Middle/Senior School (Grades 3- 6)  will receive an award.



Please remember if you are riding to school, that once you arrive at the gates to get off and walk your bike to the bike storage area.  


The “Walk and Wheel” Art Gallery has re-opened. Please send any drawings or poems to 5PT so that we can celebrate our budding artists.