Congratulations to the following students for being elected to the 2025  JSC:

6SC Theia Chen, Deborah Wong

6SB Evie Lewis, Talia Cusdin, Alyssa Lee (TC and AL equal second, to attend alternately)

6PW Lily Dixon, Edwin Lin

5CE Georgie Chen, Olvin Nanayakkara

5CB Alex Coulter, Aiden Amarsi

5PT Andray Chou, Jackson Flego

3/4K Yousef Amirrad, Daniel Ly

3/4P July He, Gavin Liu

3/4T Tema Navanua, Una Shaw

2AO Heidi Muller, Elise Wu

1/2TA Matilda Parkins , Alex Lee

FKJ Goldie Hornridge, Harvey Ng


At our first meeting, Monday 17 February, students read and signed their code of conduct and discussed some suggestions and ideas for fundraisers. Amongst these were: a new flag , World vision sponsorship, RCH appeal and Toys collection for Anglicare.


JSC student will receive their badges in Week 6. (TBC)


Next meeting will beMonday March 3, Week 6, Term 1.


Looking forward to it,


M. Higgins