Le Francais

Bonjour tout le monde!
Students from Grade1-6 have now completed videos of themselves doing a French conversation to demonstrate correct intonation and pronunciation of French greetings.
"Les zones de réglementation" are the next next topic of exploration for our students.
In French, so far, we have explored "La Zone Verte" and "La Zone Jaune".
Students are becoming familiar with the question
"Comment tu te sens?" and the answer "Je me sens..."
Can you work out what the following feelings are ?
Je me sens calme,
Je me sens contente,
Je me sens frustré,
Je me sens en perte de contrôle
In French classes we have also discussed some grammatical rules, such as
feminine and masculine endings for adjectives, for example "vert" and "verte".
We have also discussed the French cultural expectation of formal and informal language, like using "tu" when you address family and "vous" when you address strangers.
Foundation students are really enjoying learning how to "speak" French and many are now comfortable with remembering a few lines of Bonjour Mes Amis with very good accents. Bravo!
À la prochaine,
Madame Higgins
Madame Higgins