Performing Arts

In the Classroom...


Our prep students have started the year with fun musical activities that builds their sense of tempo, rhythm and melody. Students played a few instruments such as the boomwhackers, tambourines, maracas and castanets. Through musical games and activities, students also built their awareness of how to use the space and equipment in the Performing Arts room safely and responsibly. 


Year 1/2 

Our year 1/2s have been learning about the elements of Music (Melody, Harmony and Dynamics). We sang songs, described what different melodies sounded like, and played musical games that helped students consolidate their learning of the elements of Music.  


Year 3/4

Year 3/4 students has been using their knowledge of the five elements of Music (Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Tempo and Timbre) to analyse various songs and instrumental pieces. They described and compared different instruments, and practiced recording these ideas down using musical terminology. 


Year 5/6 

In preparation for the audition, year 5/6 students have been learning about the different characters in the production. Students got a chance each week to get into groups and try acting our different scenes. They applied different drama techniques such as changing their voices and using various facial expressions to make their characters 'come alive', and had the chance to perform the script snippets in front of the class. 


Musical News...


I will be running choir again this year, and all year 3-6 students are welcome to join. It is a free program - but I will ask that students join choir with the intention to commit to our weekly rehearsals, as we have many exciting performance opportunities coming up this year. 

Choir rehearsals will start in week 3, and rehearsals will be held every Monday lunchtime. Your child just need to turn up to our choir rehearsals to join choir, there is no need to sign up. 


Production Audition 

Our 2025 production will be ‘The Amazing Adventures of Superstan’. All Year 5/6 students are invited to audition for a major role. Below is some key information about the audition. 

  • Date: Monday 3rd March 2025
  • Time: Each student will be allocated a 10 minute slot. They do not need to use all of the time. Each student’s specific audition time will be announced a week before auditions. 
  • Location: Performing Arts room
  • Panel: The audition panel will consist of a number of BPPS staff

Additional information about the production and the sign up form is available on Compass, please download the full document there and hand it in to me before Tuesday 25th February.


Warm Regards, 
