From the 3/4 Classrooms

Integrated: The Game of Life

This term in Grade 3/4 students have begun exploring the emotions they might feel and the choices they may face when they encounter challenging situations. Throughout the term they will learn how social, emotional, and physical changes, core values and stereotypes can influence their identity. Students will practise saying no, making safe choices, and managing strong emotions through role-play and games.


This exploration will be guided by the three essential questions:

  • How can we explore our identity through games?
  • How can we manage challenging situations?
  • How does our behaviour impact on others?

Students have started to impact their personal core values and discussed how this makes them unique.  They also worked in teams to explore the core values a leader needs.


Students have also shared what emotions they might feel in different situations:

STEM: Observable Properties of Solids and Liquids

Students also began participating in their STEM unit, which will provide them with the opportunity to learn about the observable properties of solids and liquids.


This week our Grade 3/4s began by experiementing with chocolate, by exploring the process of changing a solid into a liquid by applying heat in small groups. Student thought about words to descrive the solid form and considered what they thought might occur if they submerged chocolate into warm water. Students then listed words descrive the liquid chocolate.  Students considered other way they could apply heat to melt chocolate. 

At home activity:

Feel free to conduct this experiment at home, by putting some chocolate chips into a ziplock bag and melting these in warm water.  Once melted, your child could pipe their choclate onto greaseproof paper by snipping one corner of the ziplock bag, and creating shapes which can be refrigerated to see the change from liquid to solid.


Enjoy these two videos viewed by our Grade 3/4s this week:

Prepared by the 3/4 Teachers