A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


PT & F

We had an extremely successful PT & F meeting last Wednesday evening. It was a positive start to the new year with many new faces in attendance. Thank you to Phoebe’s mum, Amy Shultz, for taking on the role of Vice President. We now have a full committee. The first event for the PT & F is providing the canteen for our swimming carnival. Please put your hand up to help. Many hands make light work! 


The role of the PT & F is not only to help with fundraising but to promote a sense of belonging to our school community. Each term the PT & F  organises one social event for the parents; more details will follow but please note Friday 14th March (6pm) in your calendars. 


Calendar Dates Professional Learning

Professional Learning opportunities for staff are important to provide the best possible education for your children. For this reason Armidale Catholic Schools have a number of Staff Professional Learning Days set for this year. We have tried to set these dates after already gazetted holidays to cause less disruption to families & the school term. Please note students do not come to school on these days:


Monday 28th April & Tuesday 29th April (after the Term 1 holidays)

Monday 21st July & Tuesday 22nd July (after the term 2 holidays)

Monday 13th October (after the term 3 holidays)


I look forward to chatting to many of our parents/carers at our annual swimming carnival tomorrow. 


Have a happy week 

Pauline Long
