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Justice, Clubs, Excursions
Across Campus
Justice, Clubs, Excursions
A topic that generates a fair amount of discussion in the media and angst in many a household, possibly on a nightly basis, is that of sleep. We know that sleep deprivation has an affect on one’s physical and mental wellbeing. And in adolescents, it significantly impacts on their ability to learn.
The amount of sleep an individual requires is age dependant and the recommended hours are as follows:
School Age 6-12 years: 9-12 hours
Teen: Age 13-18 years: 8-10 hours
Adult: 7 or more
However, achieving the optimal sleep required is not without its challenges. Changes in sleep patterns, part-time jobs, homework, social media and devices all impact on routines and play their part in contributing to the nightly battle of getting our adolescent to bed. Yet we know that if they are to flourish it is essential that we don’t give up.
The link below addresses the issue of sleep and gives parents some valuable insights and strategies that may help in dealing with their sleep deprived adolescent.
As always, if you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me, Giovina Costantini
Ms Giovina Costantini
Student Counsellor
World Planting Day is on 21 March and we are celebrating the growth of our sustainability club, Earth at Academy, with a tree planting ceremony!
We believe this symbolises the cyclical nature of our time as students. As the tree grows, so does our knowledge!
On a grander scale, we are planning our new herb garden, which will be planted during the Easter break. This garden will help supply our Food Technology department. We are looking for donations to help us 'Pave the Way' for sustainable food sources. If you are able to provide such items as:
Please contact We are also open to any tips and tricks you'd like to share with us.
We look forward to growing Earth at Academy even more!
Clara Faraci
Sustainability Captain
Library Lover’s Day on14 February is a day to remember that our libraries are a place where we can get lost in an idea we are following, find an adventure we are seeking in a book, discover more about an issue we feel passionate about or get help from someone about something we want to know. These are all the reasons (and more) to celebrate the valuable roles libraries play in our lives and to re-engage with our libraries and 'show the love'.
It has been great to have so many classes booking the MRC for lessons in promotion of literature. The Year 7s have had their first Wider Reading class and have all had the opportunity to borrow. The love of reading is certainly alive and well at the Academy.
Happy Reading!
Ms Cathy Bennett
McAuley Resources Co-Learning Leaders