Year 3/4 News
Leannder, Chris, Sean and Manpreet
Year 3/4 News
Leannder, Chris, Sean and Manpreet
The last three weeks have been a busy and exciting time for our Year 3/4 students! Our Year 3s have been developing their skills in preparation for NAPLAN, while our Year 4s have been focusing on revision. We also took part in a First Aid incursion with St John Ambulance, showed great teamwork and determination in our House Cross Country competition, and did our part for the environment by participating in Clean Up Australia Day.
Our Year 3/4 students had a fantastic learning experience with St John Ambulance on Monday 17th February! They practiced the recovery position, learned how to assess danger, and understood the importance of calling 000 in an emergency. Students also discovered the key questions they might need to answer and what happens during resuscitation. A big thank you to St John Ambulance for equipping our students with these vital life skills!
Thursday 20th February was our House Cross Country Day! Our middle and senior school students walked to Princes Highway Reserve to compete in our House Cross Country event, running in their age groups with amazing effort from all. The loud support from the sidelines helped everyone run faster and do their best! After recess, we gathered on our own oval to cheer on the junior school students. A huge congratulations to Freeman for winning the Cross Country Shield!
We learned about the Clean Up Australia Day program and how it helps our environment and encourages us to practise recycling. People all around Australia picked up rubbish from schools, walking tracks, beaches and playgrounds on Friday 25th February. At CNPS we cleaned up the whole school. The 3/4s were responsible for cleaning up the 3/4 Playground and the oval. We picked up a lot of plastic wrappers. We really need to put our wrappers in the bins! After we finished cleaning up, CNPS looked fantastic.