Assistant Principal's News
Josie Burt
Assistant Principal's News
Josie Burt
It is amazing to note that we are already at the halfway mark of this term. So much has been achieved and planned for the upcoming weeks and months.
Thank you to all families for :
Working with us to make sure that your children are arriving at 8.50am to participate in reading time.
Ensuring that students are in the correct uniform every day.
Checking Compass regularly to keep up to date with events, payments and school news.
I need to remind families to make sure that your children are wearing hats every day until the start of May and that all uniform items, lunch boxes and drink bottles are named.
We have had our first issue of book club shared among families. There have been a number of orders. If you missed out on ordering in issue 1, there will be a second issue sent out in the next week. Generally, you will have 3 weeks from when the catalogue is sent out to place an order. There are always some great sales and bundles of books available. All book club orders are to be completed online through the parent loop - no cash orders can be received by the school.
Our Year 3 and 5 students have been working with their teachers preparing for NAPLAN which starts next week. The teachers and our IT techs have made sure that all devices are set up ready for the testing period. From Wednesday 12th of March, students will complete a writing, reading, language conventions and mathematics assessment. If your child is absent for a test, we will work to make sure they have a catch up session as soon as they return to class.
The data our school gains from these assessments allows us to plan for support and extension of students. It gives teachers a picture of the overall skills of the students in their class as well as the school as a whole. The results do not have an effect on your child's enrolment at CNPS or any future secondary school enrolment. No data will be used to rank or create competition among our students.
Our Foundation students have begun their Japanese classes with me on a Wednesday. They are gaining confidence to say 'Konnichiwa sensei' at the beginning of a lesson and 'Sayonara' at the end. We even practised these greetings with the chickens.
This week, we learned about the Setsubun Festival, a time to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring in Japan. The children created Oni masks; Oni is the monster used to represent the darkness of winter being sent away.