Important Dates

Term 1 2025


TERM 1 2025


Week 7

Mon 10th March: Public Holiday: Labour Day

Wed 12th March: NAPLAN

Thur 13th March: NAPLAN

Fri 14th March: NAPLAN

Friday 14th March: Grade 3 Liturgy @ 2:45pm


Week 8

Mon 17th March: St Patrick’s Day Celebrations

Tues 18th March: NAPLAN

Thurs 20th March: NAPLAN

Thurs 20th March: St Patrick’s Day Mass

Fri 21st March: World Down Syndrome Day (Wear Blue)

Fri 21st March: National Ride To School Day

Fri 21st March: NAPLAN

Fri 21st March: Assembly @ 2:45pm


Week 9

Mon 24st March: Harmony Day (Wear Orange)

Thurs 27th March: Campaspe Tennis Grade 5-6

Friday 28th March: Grade 2 Liturgy @ 2:45pm


Week 10

Thurs 3rd April: Grade 3-4 Camp

Fri 4th April: Grade 3-4 Camp

Fri 4th April: Last day for Term 1, 1:30pm Finish




3-4 Camp Session:

To help prepare, we will be running a camp information session for our Grade 3/4s on Wednesday, the 19th of March at 2:50pm in the CilDara. This will be a great opportunity for parents to come along, ask any questions you may have, and find out more about the camp itself.  We will also email home the slideshow presentation for your own reference and for any families who are unable to attend.


Term 1

Thursday 30th January to Friday 4th March (10 Weeks)


Term 2

Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July (10 Weeks)


Term 3

Monday 21st July to Friday 19th September (9 Weeks)


Term 4

Monday 6th October to Tuesday 16th December (11 Weeks)



Term 1

Tuesday 28-29th January                 Staff Professional Learning Day


Term 2 (nb. Students will have three weeks holiday)

Tuesday 22-24th April                       Staff Professional Learning Days

Friday 6th June                                    Staff Day for Report Writing  Assessment

Wednesday 18th June                       Staff Development Day: Knowledge Society


Term 3

Wednesday 13th August                     CESL Staff Spirituality Day


Term 4

Monday 3rd November                        Staff Day for Report Writing & Assessment

Wed 17th December                            Staff Professional Learning Day


Grade 3-4

Thursday 3rd April - Friday 4th April


Location: Log Cabin Camp


Grade 5-6

Monday 25th August – Wednesday 27th August


Location: Melbourne City Camp