Community Notices

Saver Plus is a free 10-month financial education and matched savings program. It helps people develop savings and money management skills, while saving for their children’s or their own education.
Up to $500 is matched dollar for dollar which can be used to pay for educational items such as laptops/iPads, uniforms etc
Saver Plus is a program developed by the Brotherhood of St Laurence and ANZ, delivered in partnership with Berry Street, the Smith Family and other local community agencies. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services
Greater Shepparton City Council has officially launched its Activities in the Park Autumn program, which will run from March until May 2025, featuring a line-up of exciting activities across Greater Shepparton.
The program provides an opportunity for Greater Shepparton residents and visitors to participate in a number of free and low cost activities, encouraging people to be outdoors and get active.
For more information, please see Flyer and posters attached. Alternatively, you can visit:
Catering for all abilities, everyone is welcome to attend this free session with options of starting new walking groups for parents, caregivers or anyone wanting to explore mindfulness walking and its benefits!.
For detailed information visit,
Kyabram MyTime continues to meet every Thursday morning during school term supporting parents and carers of children with a disability.
It is a welcoming and safe environment for members to be with others who understand, share ideas, laugh and learn.
Pre-school age children are welcome and will be kept engaged nearby by a play leader.