St. Mel's 

Parent Social Committee 

Our next meeting date:

We would love for you to join us! 

Stay tuned for a menu of our 2025 events where our families can let us know if you are available to help out. Many hands make light the work!

Social Committee ~

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

The social committee is in desperate need of assistance to continue to run events for our parents and children. The social committee contributes to our school community and provides additional resources for our children including - industrial toaster for our breakfast club, additional books/headphones/games for our classrooms, contributing to the gaga pit that is coming in the coming months.


We would love to see more faces at our meetings however if you cant make it please let us know and we can keep you in the loop with what is happening. Also you dont need to come to meetings to help us with events throughout the year.


We are also more than open to new ideas and ways of doing things so if you have ideas of possible community events or fundraising events please let us know.


For our Mothers Day stall, high tea, Fathers Day stall, Fathers Day breakfast, colour fun run, raffles and family bbq's to run we need extra help.


All of our children benefit from the efforts we make and many hands make light work.

Please consider giving up a little of your time if you can - children are more than welcome at our meeting as they are very informal.




Leah Hawker


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