Junior School

This week our Year Five students have been applying all their knowledge and prior learning in their Writing and Reading NAPLAN assessment. Whilst this assessment is only one- test on one day, it provides important information for us as a school and you as parents. The change to Term One in recent years allows schools and parents to gain access to the results sooner, which can be used to assist teachers in continuing to cater for the boys in their class.
Our teachers have adequately prepared your son in the first seven weeks of the year. As parents, we ask you to support your son, show interest in their achievement without putting added pressure on them. Whilst this may be a stressful time for some boys there are some strategies which may assist you and your son. Practicing gratitude, exercising, accessing an adequate amount of sleep or engaging in some mindfulness (reading, boardgames, playing a musical instrument) could assist in releasing some anxiety.
Good luck to all the boys in their final two assessments, Numeracy and Conventions of Language, on Monday and Tuesday respectively.
JPSSA Swimming Carnival
On Thursday afternoon, our selected swimming squad participated in the JPSSA carnival at HBF stadium. The boys competed with spirit, representing their school with tremendous pride and outstanding sportsmanship. Alex Meakin (5B) performed exceptionally well winning two individual events.
1st – Aquinas College
2nd – Christ Church
3rd – Wesley College
4th – Scotch College
5th – Hale School
6th – Guildford Grammer
7th – Trinity College
Thank you to Mr Dion Mepham, Mr Dane Mepham, Mr Cory Signal and Mr Luke Thompson for preparing the boys in the lead up to the carnival. Congratulations to all the boys who were selected and participated on the day.
Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Joshua Brown Taten Edgar Joshua Goodwin Henry Guthrie Mason Lenton Jonty McLure Albert O’Brien Noah Parnham
| Oscar Archibald Callum Fraser Nicholas Healey Alex Meakin Nico Rowland Jaxon Smeeton Sebastian Smith Noah Whitfield
| Sebastian Fleay Michael Fleming Jack Healy Zachary Jeffery Joonpyo Lee James McCrone Daniel McKay Noah Richelieu |
God bless,
Mr James McPherson
Head of Junior School
Upcoming Events
Week 8 | Monday 17 March | Year 5 NAPLAN (Numeracy) |
Tuesday 18 March | Year 5 NAPLAN (Conventions of language)
| |
Wednesday 19 March | Year 6 Camp Meeting I 6 Blue classroom, 3.20pm | |
Thursday 20 March | JPSSA vs Hale (at Hale) Year 4 basketball carnival vs Aquinas (Willetton Basketball Centre) | |
Week 9 | Monday 24 March | ySafe Parent Presentation I 6-7pm |
Thursday 27 March | JPSSA vs Guildford (at Trinty)
Super Swim 2025
Callum is raising money for the children’s charity the Starlight Foundation. His sister has been in PCH a lot this summer. He is doing laps to raise funds.
Victoria Park Soccer Club
Under 13 Boys
Our local Victoria Park Soccer Club are currently seeking some extra players and a coach for their U13 Boys team for 2025.
Kelly Chambers, VPSC U14 Boys Team Manager
Phone: 0422 658 319