Principal's Message

Formation Programs
I regularly write on all manner of programs and events that are provided at Trinity College that seek to assist in the formation of our boys. These begin in Year 4 and then developmentally build and extend through to Year 12 where the Kairos Retreat is viewed as a vital experience in which our Senior students look to live a full and truly worthwhile life beyond school. Of course, in journeying through our College, all boys are given a variety of opportunities for personal growth and formation as they engage in our four pillars – Academics, Culture, Faith and Sport. Such an approach underpins our College Mission ‘To offer innovative learning opportunities in a safe and nurturing environment which empowers our young men to realise their potential’. The recent appointment of a ‘Coordinator of Student Formation and Leadership’ will enhance this focus, leading towards recognition of the Trinity College Formation Journey for each of our boys.
While specifically themed formation programs occur throughout the school, I wanted to highlight three such programs within the Middle School years. Rather than give an extensive outline of each, I will provide a brief summary and then present the special Prayer used at each respective event. I think the hopes, aspirations, sentiments and blessings expressed in each prayer, wonderfully capture our sincere wishes for our boys as they journey to become young men.
Year 7: Becoming Brothers Camp
The Year 7 Becoming Brothers Camp is a three-day, two-night experience that focuses on the induction of Year 7 students into the traditions and expectations of being a Trinity College student. Through activities such as raft building, paddling, hiking, low ropes courses and a variety of evening activities, students are able develop a sense of positivity for the journey ahead and establish stronger connections with their fellow peers – ‘their brothers’. They are accompanied on this experience by Year 11 Senior Mentors and their Pastoral Care Group Teacher. In establishing new friendships, the boys are introduced to a deeper and more genuine understanding of true mateship and the need to respect, support and look out for each other in the years to come. As part of the Camp, the Year 11 Senior mentors share this prayer with the boys.
Year 8: Quest Retreat
The Quest Retreat focuses on the values of service, family and brotherhood. Year 11 Peer Ministers assist in providing an opportunity for the Year 8 students to reflect on who they are and what they hope to be, as they continue their journey at Trinity College. Students learn about and reflect upon Christian Service and the value that this holds in helping them truly develop into a man for others. They are reminded of the love they are given by their families and given an opportunity to consider their relationship with their families and the bonds of brotherhood they have formed with their peers. Ideas on how to form positive and respectful friendships and relationships with girls are explored with the assistance of Year 11 students from Mercedes College. The boys also consider where God has been present in their lives and where they can seek Him beyond the Retreat.
Year 9: Becoming Men
The Becoming Men program seeks to assist the Year 9 students in becoming strong, healthy purposeful students that grasp the opportunities that the College offers, ultimately becoming a respectful and purposeful member of society in the tradition of Edmund Rice. The process of ‘becoming men’ is a complex one, which challenges boys to navigate a constantly changing landscape of masculinity, self-belief, leadership and true mateship in determining the men they want to be.
We believe the Becoming Men program provides a healthy and respectful Rite of Passage program which enables students to safely discover their emerging identity as they experience the physiological and psychological changes that are occurring within them. Whilst the program is mostly facilitated in class once a week as a part of the pastoral care program, it also involves a series of ceremonies and events which highlight key virtues that are important for our boys to develop as they mature. We highlight the importance of father-figures, mother-figures, women and role models through these ceremonies and events, and spend time in the lead up to these occasions discussing and reflecting on those people. Our hope is that we will inspire a generation of young men to honour themselves, their elders and their future to be genuine and authentic Men for Others. The opening ceremony concludes with this prayer.
Live Jesus in our hearts.
Mr Darren O’Neill