Physical Education

Hi Families,


Hope this finds you well and enjoying the cooler weather. 


2025 Dates for the diary:

Term 1:

Friday 21st March: EMR Swimming (students who have progressed)

Tuesday 25th March: Yr 4 Gala Day (Donvale Reserve/Doncaster Tennis Courts)

Thursday 3rd April: Yr 5/6 Gala Day (Donvale Reserve/Doncaster Tennis Courts)


Term 2: 

Friday 2nd May: House Cross Country at SJV

Friday 9th May: District Cross Country (for those selected)


District Swimming Carnival

A huge congratulations to all of the students that competed on Wednesday! It was such a great day! The students did so well even though it was a very warm day! 


What a day! Watching and chilling in between races. Everyone enjoyed the swim carnival and especially qualifying for divisions. We came 2nd out of 12 schools. I recommend you try out for districts. When you qualify you will see other swimmers from other schools, but don't be afraid all you have to do is have fun. No matter how you do, the teachers will always support you. - Elijah (grade 6)



Division Swimming Team

Congratulations to the following people that represented SJV at the Division Swimming today in Ringwood.   All gave 100% and represented their school so proudly.  

Congratulations to Lachie (yr 5) and Elijah (yr 6) that came 1st and 2nd in the backstroke and progressed to the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Finals on Friday 21st March!! We wish them both the best of luck.



Team Vic Key Dates

At this time of year some parents will ask me about how their child can apply for a spot in the SSV Team.  Here you will find the key dates for when registrations will open for each of the sports. Please ensure you have a read of the information sheet that should answer all of your questions.  Parents are able to register your child in a sport that they feel their child excels in.  Please be advised it is a highly competitive process.

If there are more than 3 students that apply for a sport, SSV will advise SJV as we are only able to endorse 3 students for one sport.  The only other time SJV needed to be involved is if your child makes the Vic Team, the principal will be asked to endorse the student before they can register for the team.  I hope this answers some of the questions you may have.


Spotlight on Sport

It was great to see our 2022 Sport Captain Isabel represented Victoria in the Indoor Netball Nationals in Perth recently. She has now been selected in the Australian Team! An awesome effort and love to see the achievements of past students.


If any current or past students are keen to share their sporting achievements, please send them through. I love to see what everyone is up to outside of the school day. Please don't hesitate to email me at 


Stay safe, keep active


Catherine Wall

Health and Physical Education Teacher

Sport Coordinator