P & F Newsletter 

It's a Subway Food Day!


It's a Subway Food Day!


Thursday the 6th of March will be the first Food Day of the year, and it's Subway! 


This year our P&F Food Day Coordinators are:- 

Megan Madonna (Elise 4L and Rowan 1A) ph: 0422 504 775

Stefanie Festa (Rafael 2C) ph: 0414 860 764

A note to new Families


Movie Night


Friday the 21st March is School Movie Night and we’ll be “Kung Fu Pandering” !

Bring your blankets and chairs and enjoy a fun filled evening with your family and friends from our school community. We’ll have snacks and drinks available for pre-order via CDF pay, as well as to purchase on the night.


Tickets can be purchased using the TryBooking link: www.trybooking.com/czkqp 


We’ll also need some helpers on the night, so please sign up at our volunteering link https://volunteersignup.org/e9bd7



P & F Meeting – Thursday 13th March at 6pm.


We are still in need for Volunteers for the P & F this year and will be having our first PnF Meeting on Thursday 13th March at 6pm.


If you are at all interested in contributing or helping out, please come along. As with all things, the more people we have helping out, the easier it is on all, and the more enjoyable the whole experience is for all. There are a range of things that we provide support for, for your child, so if you can spare some time to assist, it will be greatly appreciated.


If you are at all interested, please email pandf@sjvermont.catholic.edu.au



Friday Treats

Icy Poles are back for Friday Treats this term! Icy poles are available on Friday afternoons at recess from the community centre for 50c each.