Connect: Year 1

Friday 21st March | Harmony Day (wear a touch of orange) |
Tuesday 1st April | Clean Up Australia Day |
Thursday 3rd April | Easter Bonnet Parade |
Friday 4th April | LAST DAY OF Term - 2.30pm Finish |
Dear families,
As we come to the end of week 8 this is what to look forward to in the last fortnight of learning before holidays.
In the next block of learning in our Little Learners Love Literacy program, students will be learning the ‘oa’ sound.
In writing, students will be applying their prior knowledge of Australian animals from their excursion and previous units to respond to the text Wombat Stew. They will practice skills needed to recall the beginning, middle and end of the story, identify rhyming words, review their understanding of adjectives and integrate new vocabulary.
Students are developing the concept that numbers and quantities are made of smaller amounts that can be added or subtracted. They are learning to build fluency of informal addition and subtraction strategies before moving to written algorithms. Students will have multiple opportunities to link concrete materials with the symbolic representation of partitioning, which builds on their understanding of addition and subtraction. These materials include ten-frames, number bonds, discrete bar models and base ten blocks.
To finish our topic 'Celebrating Differences' we will continue to explore significant aspects of cultures across the world. In particular looking at Australia's connection to country through animals and unique histories. This will provide an opportunity for students to enrich their cultural identities and celebrate their own experiences through language, music and tradition.
Students will continue to use their understanding of the 'Zones of Regulation' to inform strategies for their 'Ready to Learn' Plans. This will include identifying moments of stress, anxiety or frustration that may occur throughout the school day to choose an appropriate strategy or tool to regulate and become 'Ready to Learn'. There will be a key focus on relaxation techniques to pinpoint how meditation, breathing and movement can positively impact our body's reaction to anxiety or stress.
Celebration of Learning
Moonlit Sancturary Visit
On a very hot Wednesday the Year 1's explored the wonders of Moonlit Sancturary. The students had a fantastic time learning and sharing a range of animal facts they have learnt through their Literacy and Inquiry Units. Thank you to the parent helpers who came along to make this a very memorable experience for our students.
RSPCA Victoria Incursion
This week we had a special visit from the RSPCA to talk about all thing's pets! The students enjoyed sharing stories and knowledge of all things needed to best take care of our furry family members. The presentation helped us remember that through the RSPCA there are lots of different programs aim to make preventative veterinary care and support more accessible for community members and their pets.
Follow the links below to find out more information:
Our Current Projects | RSPCA Victoria
Pet Behaviour Services | RSPCA Victoria